Monday, February 11, 2008

“I am doing a great work, and cannot come down!”

“The laborers carried on their work with one hand supporting their load and one hand holding a weapon.” Nehemiah 4 : 17

For weeks now Ive been struggling with my convictions, my heart, and my identity in Christ. Sadly I see now being a Christian most certainly does not mean I will have it all together…in fact as I read my bible it seems that God allows extreme hardship in the face of His people, and in a bizarre way He seems to always call the most unlikely people to do His Work . I have been reading in my bible most recently on Nehemiah and this guy had quite a calling on his life. And yet Ive learned from his story that this guy did not pray little quaint prayers, I mean he prayed to bring the wrath down on his enemies, he was bold, and when the surrounding big shot governors wanted to have a meeting with him, he blew them off saying that what he was doing right now was way too important. Wow. It seems like although in the short time I have been a Christian I must maintain my fire for Him…Ive got to keep one hand on the “great work” and the other hand has got to be grasping a sword..spiritually speaking. From my perspective, I see a lot of people allow their failures and even just straight lies from Satan to beat them down spiritually, and allow a distance to form between them and Christ…I cannot go down that road…I wont go down that road! I may be screwed up as a person…riddled with sin and failure, but through Jesus I am a born again Christian! I live in His light! I wont let my past allow me to bring me down, I must keep my eyes on Him, the thought of losing Christ nauseates me. I live in the freedom of Christ, and nothing is better. When Nehemiahs enemies attacked him, when they tried to trap and kill him. He responded by continuing the good work and arming himself. And that’s what must be done, I will continue marching to Christ, pursuing His Calling in my life, and reading his word, to strengthen me spiritually. No matter the uncertainty or the spiritual battles with Satan, I may sin, and I may fall, but I will never give Satan an inch of my heart or allow him to rule me with his lies. After all... I live in the victory of Christ.

“Don’t be afraid of the enemy!! Remember the LORD! Who is great and glorious! And fight for your brothers! Your daughters! Your wives! And your homes!” -Nehemiah

“Never give in, never give in, never; never; never; never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense” - Winston Churchill


Michael said...

Its awesome to see your back to posting!
I am reading through the New Testament but I can't wait to finish so I can move to the Old Testament.

Lindsey said...

Hey...look who is back in the blogging world! :)

I love that verse in Nehemiah. It's very strong, bold, and a good reminder when you need a swift kick in the pants to get back on track. It will also prove to be very important for Elevation...Orange-ness, etc.

Well done, Michael K, well done.