Saturday, April 26, 2008


What a great day. sunny 86 degrees and I am quite possibly tuckered out from playing one of the most futile games of tennis with Adam in a long time. Im quite sure my skill level has most likely dropped since playing out there with him.

On the upside I am looking forward to moving in with Adam and Ben, I think it would be excellent to have some Christians guys like them to keep me accountable and all around just keep me in line. Its been stressful moving back to Charlotte and although it has been nice to be able to be back with my family I did feel like it was a bit of a step backwards moving back in with my parents. So I am quite excited about living with these guys both of them have already been such a great impact in my life through our small group. And Im really excited to see how my relationship with Christ will grow with being surrounded by these great guys and these new opportunities put in front of me.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


so Im sitting here waiting for Jennica to phone me back and was reading through blogs when I thought to myself, maybe I should start posting in my own site again. so here I am.

So whats new for me?

non-good things.

Im stressed with finals and school and Degree programs and transfer options and of course the Squadron has to put pressure on me about a new tracking program to follow all the training requirements needed to deploy and recur to stay current in the Squadron.
and I have a test in Mythology class tomorrow morning that I'm not so keen on.

good things.

Jennica continues to be a great support in my life in challenging me when it comes to my shortcomings and issues that I have in my heart.
Phillip McCart has re-instilled a passion I once had for tennis in me. I now feel the urge to play the game with whomever will put up with me.
Elevation is continuing to blow my mind and challenge me to continually grow closer to Christ.

and that is that.

"Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put." - Winston Churchill